Hey!!!! I just got back from Mobile Alabama for a mission trip called world changers! I went with my church! We cleaned and painted houses that got flooded by hurricane katrina! I was there for a week!!! It stormed a LOT!!!!! But it was awesome helping people and serving God! We had to pay MONEY to go and fix houses, we had to sleep in sleeping bags, and leave very very good friends! What we did every day is we get up at 5:00 get ready and go to breakfast! find our crews (and my crew name was he brush bunch) then we go to our job from 7:45 to 4:00 was our working time! Then when we got back to the place we stayed in we got a shower free time for a hour (and on free time I went to the play ground) then we went to dinner! Then after dinner was worship and in worship when we were singing we danced and clapped and raised our hands! Then after worship was devotion, then after that was in our rooms by 10:30 then lights out at 11:00! It was soooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
My Christian Thoughts!
Well ok! just wanted to say this! God is the person (more than a person) who created the World! He made everything! if there was no God there would not be a world or nothing nothing not you not your friend not animals not plants not nothing!!!! So just thank God of all that and evan more! just pray heres what praying is! Praying is when you talk to God you can't see Him or hear His voice but you can hear Him in your mind! All the things you say to Him is Lord, just thank you soooo much for all that you have done for me! Lord Jesus forgive me of my sins (will talk about sins in a minute) just I can;t think of all them right now but please forgive me and clense me! and you can say things about like if my friend is sick say Lord heal my friend and just make her better! and just anything! He will answer your prayers bur you can't ask Him for like "THINGS" like a bike or a nintindo or something ask Him to heal people and help people if their having trouble with money and they can't get thing they need like clothes food shelter and things like that are needs but the one NEED is to have the Lord Jesus as your savior if you don't belive in Him when you die you will go to hell! hell is a place of eternal punishment and it is like well it is a lake of fire that your in if your there! But this is how you get Him as your Savior! ou close your eyes and pray and you say Lord I no I'm a sinner and I know that I've done a lot of stuff that I shouldn't but Lord I love you and I want you to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins and iI believe that you DIED ON THE CROSS FOR ME AND EVERYONE ELSE! That is A- Admit to God that you are a sinner B- Believe that Jesus is God's son C- Confess the name as your Savior and your Lord and I believe that you died for me and just come into my heart this day in Jesus name Amen!!!!!!! Ok well He dosen't really come into your heart phisically He comes into your hear Spiritually! By your heart but then if you prayed that prayer and you believe that He died for you and you believe all that stuff then you are a christian!!!!!! Sin is were you do stuff wrong like stealing or lying os the ten Commandmens that Jesus wrote and here they are you have to obey them as best as you can!!! The Ten Commandments 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me! 2. Thou shalt have no idols! 3. Thou shalt not take the Lords name in vain! ( don't say bad words with His name! 4.Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy! (go to church on Sunday) 5. Honor thy father and thy mother! 6. Thou shalt not kill! 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery! ( don't cheat on your spouse) 8. Thou shalt not steal! 9. Thou shalt nt bear false witness! (don't lie) 10. Thou shalt not covet! ( don't want what other people have) So try your best to not do them! Ok another thing! The bible remember how to pray well when you pray if you ask Him something just pray a while then later you will just think of a bible verse and go to it and that will be your answer thats how you talk to God! But the Bible is a book that is like a regular book but better! It has chapters, Differant names like Genises 1:1 says- in the begining God created the heavens and the earth. just read it and pray and you will get closer and closer to him!!!! It just has chapters, verses and books its like a lot of books in one book! And if you don't have a bible go to a christian book store and get one so read it and pray!!!!!! and evan if you read the whole thing over and over and over agoing you will still fint stuff that you didn't know before!!! So I will try to give you a bible lesson withe bible verses every day!!! So hope you will pray and read!!!
Posted by
A Good Sport
6:55 PM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
My first post
On August 17th I am having my birthday party because thats when High School Musical 2 is coming on Disney Channel at 8:00 p.m!!!!!! I can't wait!
Posted by
A Good Sport
7:12 PM